Géranium robertianum - Herbe à Robert

Herbe à Robert

Souris Cliquez sur le fruit du Géranium.

Le fruit du Géranium explose au moindre choc et expulse brutalement la graine contenue dans chacune des quatre loges. Des graines montées sur ressort !

"This pretty plant is also one of the Crane's-bills, and belongs to the family Geraniaceae. It is one of the earliest to appear on the sunny banks in the spring-time with blue-bells and primroses, and lasts long into the summer, when, by the presence of more attractive blossoms, it is often overlooked... In common with its family it has a very disagreeable odour... According to the old doctrine of signatures the red colour of the leaves indicates its value in staunching blood..." (Lankester, Wild flowers worth notice, London : David Bogue,1879, p.39)